I love geography, it means you can learn all about the world in which we live in
Have your say on some topical geographical issues! You can also vote on the poll on the right-hand side.
Currently running are:
1. Should Geography be made compulsory in schools?
2. What is the most interesting branch of Geography?
Poll: What do you think about this website?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or ideas for future forum questions:
Should Geography be made compulsory in schools?
Subject: No way By: Bernard Date: 19/09/2012
If geography was made compulsory, the people that wanted to do it anyway would end up hating it because everyone that didn't want to be there would just mess around all the time, and no-one would actually learn anyhting.
Subject: Should Geography be made compulsory in schools? By: Vicky Date: 28/08/2012
Yes, I think Geography should be made compulsory, because it's a lot more useful than some of the other subjects that are compulsory, and it teaches children about the world around them. It is also very interesting to learn about plate tectonics etc.
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What is the most interesting branch of Geography (e.g. weather, population, volcanoes)?
Subject: Geography Rocks By: Hannah P Date: 23/10/2012
Thanks for making this website, I have learnt some facts which are interesting and funny. I mostly like the blog because the facts are good! :)
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What do you think about this website?
I don't think it's a good idea. (7)
I love it! (12)
I don't understand the point of it. (6)
It's not interesting to most people. (6)
I think you should add more content. (6)
Total votes: 44