FreeRice - improve your vocabulary and feed the hungry

28/09/2012 21:40

Improve your vocabulary and earn rice to feed the hungry in the Third World at the same time!

FreeRice is a not-for-profit organisation that is owned by the United Nations World Food Programme.

The website gives you a word and four options for its meaning. Click on the right one and you earn 10 grains of rice. The more you play, the more rice you earn.

The rice that you have earned is then sent to countries that are suffering from hunger or famine. It's paid for by the advertisers on the site, so it doesn't cost you anything.

The website adjusts itself to your ability by making the word harder if you get the previous one right, and easier if you get the previous one wrong. By playing for around 10 minutes, you could easily earn more than 1000 grains of rice.

Since FreeRice launched in 2007, enough rice has been earned to feed 5 million people.

It really is a win-win situation. You get to donate to charity at no cost to yourself, by improving your vocabulary in an easy and interactive way; and people in the Third World get food to keep them alive!